The only one among the bipeds that is viviparous is man.
Man is the only animal that repents of his first embraces; sad
augury, indeed, of life, that its very origin should thus cause
repentance! Other animals have stated times in the year for
their embraces; but man, as we have already[1] observed, em-
Coupling is performed back to back by the elephant, the camel, the tiger, the lynx, the rhinoceros, the lion, the dasy- pus, and the rabbit, the genital parts of all which animals lie far back. Camels even seek desert places, or, at all events, spots of a retired nature; and to come upon them on such an occasion is not unattended with danger. Coupling, with them, lasts a whole day; the only animal, indeed, of all those with solid hoofs, with which such is the case. Among the quadrupeds, it is the smell that excites the passions of the male. In this act, dogs also, seals, and wolves turn back to back, and remain attached, though greatly against their will. In the greater part of the animals above mentioned, the females solicit the males; in some, however, the males the females. As to bears, they lie down, like the human race, as previously[3] mentioned by us; while hedgehogs embrace standing upright. In cats, the male stands above, while the female assumes a crouching posture; foxes lie on the side, the female embracing the male. In the case of the cow and the hind, the female is unable to endure the violence of the male, consequently she keeps in motion during the time of coupling. The buck goes from one hind to another in turn, and then comes back to the first. Lizards couple entwined around each other, like the animals without feet.
All animals, the larger they are in bulk, are proportionably
less prolific: the elephant, the camel, and the horse produce
The dog, the wolf, the panther, and the jackal produce their
young blind. There are several kinds of dogs; those of
Laconia,[5] of both sexes, are ready for breeding in the eighth
month, and the females carry their young sixty or sixty-three
days at most; other dogs are fit for breeding when only six
months old; the female, in all cases, becomes pregnant at the
first congress. Those which have conceived before the proper
age, bear pups which are longer blind, though not all the
same number of days. It is thought that dogs, in general,
lift the leg when they water at six months old; this, too, is
looked upon as a sign that they have attained their full growth
and strength; when doing this, the female squats. The most
numerous litters known consist of twelve, but more generally
five or six is the number; sometimes, indeed, only one is pro-
dued, but then it is looked upon as a prodigy, and the same
is the case, too, when all the pups are of one sex. In the dog, the
males come into the world first, but in other animals, the two
sexes are born alternately. The female admits the male again
six months after she has littered. Those of the Laconian breed
bear eight young ones. It is a peculiarity in this kind, that
after undergoing great labour, the males are remarkable for
their salacity. In the Laconian breed the male lives ten
The dasypus[7] brings forth every month in the year, and is subject to superfœtation, like the hare. It conceives immediately after it has littered, even though it is still suckling its young, which are blind at their birth. The elephant, as we have already[8] stated, produces but one, and that the size of a calf three months old. The gestation of the camel lasts twelve months; the female conceives when three years old, and brings forth in the spring; at the end of a year from that time, she is ready to conceive again. It is thought advisable to have the mare covered so soon as three days, and indeed, sometimes, only one, after she has foaled; and, however unwilling she may be, means are taken to compel her. It is believed also, that it is by no means an uncommon thing for a woman to conceive on the seventh day after her delivery. It is recommended that the manes of mares should be cut, so as to humble their pride, in order to make them submit to be covered by the male ass; for when the mane is long, they are liable to be proud and vain. This is the only animal, the female of which, after covering, runs, facing the north or the south, according as she has conceived a male or a female. They change their colour immediately after, and the hair becomes of a redder hue, and deeper, whatever the colour may naturally be; it is this that indicates that they must no longer be covered, and they, themselves, will even resist it. Gestation does not, however, preclude some of them from being worked, and they are often with foal long before it is known. We read that the mare of Echecrates, the Thessalian, conquered at the Olympic games, while with foal.
Those who are more careful enquirers into these matters, tell
us that in the horse, the dog, and the swine, the males are
most ardent for sexual intercourse in the morning, while the
female seeks the society of the male after mid-day. They say